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Employment (2)

Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology, Prague: Prague, CZ

Source: Self-asserted source
Naďa Profantová

Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology, Prague: Prague, CZ

Source: check_circle
Czech Academy of Sciences via ORCID Member Portal

Works (3)

Byzanc, Vrap a Čechy – dvě nová luxusní kování opasku ze středních Čech

Slovenská archeológia
2023-12-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Naďa Profantová
Source: check_circle

Everyday magic of the ancient Slavs. Essays.

2022 | Book
Contributors: Yaroslav Volodarets-Urbanovych; Sergiy Gorbanenko; Igor Hotun; Martin Kuna; Lubomyr Mykhailyna; Yuri Puholovok; Naďa Profantová; Sergiy Taranenko; Rostyslav Terpylovskyi
Source: check_circle

Unique Silver Pendant from Tatce, Kolín District, in the Context of the Oldest Evidence of the Christianisation of Bohemia

Slovenská archeológia
2021-12-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Naďa Profantová
Source: check_circle